O. O. Stroy, Yu. O. Mytsyk, O. V. Shulyak, V. V. Dmytrienko
- Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Halysky, Ukraine
- Introduction. The appearance of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) after TURP in the immediate postoperative period is primarily related to inflammation and edema in the traumatized tissues. Taking into consideration the fact that in many instances the hyperplastic prostatic tissue is not entirely removed one of the main reason of postoperative disorders of urination becomes clear.
- Objectives. The research purpose was to explore efficiency of the combined medical correction of disorders of urination in patients with BPH after transurethral resection.
- Materials and methods. During research, 95 patients with BPH were studied (main group). All of them were subjected to transurethral resection of the prostate. The following treatment was appointed in this group: a1-antagonist "Setegys" (Terazozine) 2 mg once a day and herbal formula "Bodyprost" 1 tsp b.i.d. with meals. The treatment was initiated on 4-6 day after surgery (after removal of the indwelling catheter) and lasted for a total of 4 weeks. In order to compare treatment efficacy, the control group was created in which placebo was administered. The control group included 93 patients with BPH, in whom transurethral resection was performed as well.
- Results and their discussion. There was a positive dynamics of LUTS manifestations noted in the main group due to the therapy employed. The same situation was observed in the functional studies of urinary tract before and after the treatment. The changes of peak urine flow (Qmax) in the main group was from 14.5 ?0,2 ml/sec to 16.3 ?0.3 ml/sec. The changes of peak urine flow in the control group was from 13.9?0,4 ml/sec to 14.6 ?0.2 ml/sec.
- Conclusions. There was a positive therapeutic effect obtained in the main group as compared with the control one which speaks of the efficacy of combined medical therapy of LUTS in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia of Stage II after transurethral resection which allows to decrease the appearance of LUTS in the early postoperative period. The proposed medical therapy has not caused any serious adverse effects in patients, which demonstrated a high safety profile and possibility of usage by patients with co-morbidities.