PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Giant ureteric calculus
Article published in Urologia Polska 2007/60/4.


Artur Pietrusa, Micha³ Fryczkowski, Mateusz £ukomski, Adel Abu-Ali, Krzysztof £ukoję
Oddzia³ Urologii Wielospecjalistycznego Szpitala Powiatowego im. dr. B. Hagera w Tarnowskich Górach


ureter, ureterolithiasis, giant stone


This case concerned a female aged 54 years with medical history of right kidney nephrolithiasis. The KUB plain film and IVU demonstrated a huge stone located in the distal part of the right ureter. The stone was treated surgically. Cystotomy incision and than right ureterolithotomy revealed stone as mentioned above. IVU done 2 months later revealed no functional abnormalities.


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Artur Pietrusa
Wielospecjalistyczny Szpital Powiatowy
Oddzia³ Urologii
ul. Pyskowicka 47/51
42-612 Tarnowskie Góry
tel. (032) 285 42 73