PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Prophylatic application of a single dose of antibiotic with a wide Spectrum of ac: . transurethral eleotrosection of prostate adenoma
Article published in Urologia Polska 1991/44/4.


Andrzej Prajsner, Wojciech Szewczyk, Adam Szkodny, Wiesław Duda, Michał Tkocz
Z I Katedry i Kliniki Urologii ¦l. AM w Katowicach Kierownik: prof. dr hab. med. A. Szkodny


Postoperative course was evaluated in 100 patients with prostate adenoma after transurethral electroresection. The patients were divided into three groups. Before resection patients in group I received a single intravenous dose of 200 mgr of .netromycin, and patients in group II received a single dose of 200 mgr vibra-mycin. Patients in group III received vibramycin as a continuous treatment only after electroresection. Patients in groups I and II demonstrated high fever less fre±uently, for a shorter time, and were mostly asymptomatic. Single intravenous administration of netramycin proved more effective.


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dr n. med. Andrzej Prajsner, I Katedra i Klinika Urologii ¦l. AM, 40-073 Katowice, ul. Strzelecka 9.