PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Hereditary prostate cancer (HPC)
Article published in Urologia Polska 2002/55/3.


Piotr Machoy 1, Jan Lubiński 2
1 Oddział Urologii SPZ ZOZ w Policach
Zarządzający oddziałem: dr Piotr Machoy
2 Zakład Genetyki i Patomorfologu PAM w Szczecinie
Kierownik zakładu: prof, dr hab. Jan Lubiński


prostate, cancer, hereditary prostate cancer


Introduction. This publication presents a problem of hereditary prostate cancer (HPC) and its incidence in the North-West region of Poland.
Material and method. Between 1990 and 1996, in outpatient Clinic of Genetics and Oncology of Pomeranian Academy of Medicine in Szczecin, a genealogy of 420 prostate cancer patients was analysed. Using Carter\'s criteria, the group of hereditary, familial and sporadic prostate cancer were separated.
Results. Hereditary prostate cancer establishes 1.6% of all prostate cancers. In the North-West region of Poland this form of carcinoma of the prostate is observed rarely in comparison with the results from Western Europe.


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Piotr Machoy
Oddział Urologii SPZ ZOZ
itt Siedlecka 2
72-010 Police
tel.: (0-91) 3171434