PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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The impact of PROSTAMER* on sarcoma LI growth in mice
Article published in Urologia Polska 2002/55/2.


Ewa Skopińska-Różewska 1, Halina Strzelecka 2, Beata Białas-Chromiec 1, Ewa Sommer 1, Małgorzata Filewska 1, Agnieszka Bazylko 2, Henryk Skurzak 3
1 Zakład Diagnostyki Laboratoryjnej i Immunologii Instytutu Gruźlicy i Chorób Pluć w Warszawie
Kierownik zakładu: prof, dr hab. Ewa Skopińska-Różewska
2 Katedra i Zakład Farmakognozji Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie
Kierownik zakładu: prof, dr hab. Halina Strzelecka
3 Zaklad Immunologii Centrum Onkologii Instytutu im. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie w Warszawie
Kierownik zakładu: prof, dr hab. Jan Steffen


sarcoma LI, mouse, shark liver oil, pumpkin seed oil


Introduction. Prostamer® is a combine (1:1) product of Prostogal (pumpkin seed oil) and Ekogal (shark liver oil), which arc registered as separate preparations. It is recommended as adjuvant therapy of BPH early stages. The study was aimed at evaluating the impact of Prostamer® on growth and vascularisation in cancer mouse model.
LI sarcoma cells were implanted to syngenic mice intracutaneusely (cutaneus angiogenesis test, evaluation after 3 days, outcome verification with computer software for graphic analysis „Mice Observer\" performed as a part of KBN 7TO8AO5016 grant) or subcutaneously (tumour growth follow-up and haemoglobin concentration on 14th day as a blood supply measure). Mice were administered with evaluated preparations in doses of 4 or 8 ul.
Results. Tumour onset was later in mice administered with Prostamer® as compared to control group and additionally the tumour volume was significantly lower. High Prostamer® dose resulted also in decrease of cutaneous angiogenesis lest induced by intraculaneously implanted tumour cells. There was no difference in blood supply, compared to the control, assessed on 14th day after tumour cells implantation. No significant difference in tumour volume as compared to control (mice feeded with single ingredients of Prostamer* preparation) was observed.
Conclusions. In animal model Prostamer® in therapeutic doses or twice the therapeutic doses has shown antineoplastic activity, which in case of higher closes might resulted from suppressing of early angiogenesis.


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Ewa Skopińska-Różewska
Zakład Diagnostyki Laboratoryjnej i Immunologii
Instytutu Gruźlicy i Chrób Plac
ul. Placka 26
01-138 Warszawa
tel. (0-22) 43 12 158