PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Chronic, proliferative cystitis in girls in puberty
Article published in Urologia Polska 2005/58/4.


Grzegorz Gomoliński 1, Piotr Szynaka 1, Anna Barbara Kluz-Kowal 2
1 Oddział Chirurgii i Urologii Dziecięcej, SPZOZ Wojewódzki Szpital Zespolony im. J. Śniadeckiego w Białymstoku
Ordynator oddziału: dr n. med. Piotr Szynaka
2 Poradnia Ginekologii Dziecięcej, Dziecięcy Szpital Kliniczny im. L. Zamenhoffa w Białymstoku
Kierownik poradni: dr n. med. Anna Barbara Kluz-Kowal


urinary bladder, chronic inflammation, proliferation of mucosa


Chronic proliferative cystitis is a relatively frequent disorder in women in the post puberty period. Its symptoms and cause are well known. There are no publications about such lesions in girls in puberty.
the aim of the study
Presentation of the material concerning chronic proliferative cystitis in girls in puberty.
material and methods
The cases of 13 patients, with the mean age 15.7 years, were analyzed. The causes of introducent treatment were dysuric complains and erythrocyturia. Six patients were hospitalized due to dysuria in the history while 3 ? to erythrocyturia. The urine culture was positive in 5 patients, ?aseptic? leukocyturia ? in 2 patients, and chronic inflammation of vestibulae of the vagina ? in 6 girls. The cystoscopy with histopathological examination revealed ?cystitis chronica? in 4 patients and other proliferative lesions, of dysplastic and metaplastic characters in the region of bladder triangle were observed in 9 girls. These lesions were superficially coagulated. There were no changes within the mucosa of the urethra. Due to a local recurrence in 5 patients, the procedure was repeated, and 1 patient had the coagulation performed 3 times, which resulted in improvement. Seven patients (2 ? with ?aseptic? leukocyturia and 5 ? with changes in the vaginal vestibulae) were diagnosed for the presence of Chlamydia and mycoplasmatic infections, however, obtaining only 1 positive result for Ureaplasma urealyticum. The gynecological treatment improved the condition of the genital tract but it did not affect the urinary changes.
Prolonged pharmacological therapy of chronic proliferative cystitis in our material was useless. Complete recovery was obtained by superficial coagulation of the mucosa of the bladder triangle.
The superficial coagulation can be effective and durable method of treatment of the changes of dysplastic and metaplastic characters in the region of the bladder triangle.


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Piotr Szynaka
Oddział Chirurgii i Urologii Dziecięcej
ul. Wołodyjowskiego 2/1
15-278 Białystok
tel. (085) 74 88 259, fax 74 88 252