PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Continuous pharmacological blockade of intercostal nerves after operations from lumbar access
Article published in Urologia Polska 1983/36/4.


Jerzy Sokołowski
Katedra i Klinikia Urologii Akademii Medycznej we Wrocławiu
Kierownik: doc. dr hab. J. Stolarczyk


For controlling postoperative pains in 9 cases continuous blockade of two adjacent intercostal nerves was applied after urological operations from Presman lumbar approach. In 8 cases a good effect was obtained.


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  2. Ishizuka E.: Continuous intercostal nerve block far pain. relief after lumbar incision. J. Urol., 1979, 122, 506.
  3. Engberg G.: Single-dose intercostal nerve blocks with etidicaine for pain relief upper abdominal surgery. Acta Anesth. Scand., 1975, 60, 43.