PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Urologia Polska 1980/33/4

Supracystic urine diversion in patients with bladder carcinoma treated by cystectomy preceded by Short type (2000 r) radiotherapy
Andrzej Borkowski, Tadeusz Krzeski, Mirosław Kazoń, Danuta Gajl, Maciej Niemierko, Bogusława Sochacka, Andrzej Borówka, Maciej Zachwiej, Andrzej Miecznikowski
Assessment of the effectiveness of cobalt teleradiotherapy bladder carcinoma
Anna Kobierska, Hanna Karnicka-Młodkowska, Ewa Solska
The usefulness of radioisotope investigation with 133Xe in the differential diagnosis of certain bladder diseases (preliminary communication)
Stanisław Cieśliński, Zbigniew Maziarz, Andrzej Sikorski
Creation of normal prepuce as a method of treating balanic hypospadias (preliminary communication)
Jerzy Czopik, Andrzej Nowak
Difficulties in the radiological diagnosis of the so-called intrarenal and extrarenal pelvis
Andrzej Sikorski, Wieńczysław Monita, Jerzy Olszewski
Results of surgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women by urethrocervicocystopexy using tissue adhesive
Andrzej Borówka, Alojzy Witeska
Technical aspects of renal operations in cases of true adrenorenal heterotopy
Eugeniusz Miękoś
Jan Antczak
Trauma to the only kidney
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Andrzej Bilewski
Aborative ureteral dupłication
Lucjan Otręba, Jarowit Stolarczyk
Ureteral urinary incontinence after childhood
Jarowit Stolarczyk
Perirenal abscess as a complication of operation on the bile ducts
Jan Sadowski, Jerzy Golański, Olgierd Rowiński
Excretory anuria due to a haematological cause
Bożena Zapatka, Stefania Kardaszewicz
Carcinoma of horseshoe kidney as a cause of hydronephros
Leonard Teneta, Andrzej Nowak
Jerzy Zieliński
Retrocaval ureter
Jarowit Stolarczyk
Włodzimierz Joszt, Zygmunt H. Kaliciński, Małgorzata Baka-Jakubiak, Henryka Szczepanska
Cystosigmoid fistula as a gomplication of colonic diverticulosis
Zbigniew Wołnik, Zygmunt Lorencewicz, Andrzej Borówka
A case of hypernephroma growing into the renal vein with atypical surgical treatment
Andrzej Nowak, Jerzy Czopik
Two cases of ureterointestinal fistulas
Andrzej Borówka, Wojciech Romaszewski