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Initial experience with the Green Light photoselective vaporization of the prostatae (PVP) in patients with BPH
Article published in Urologia Polska 2008/61/4.


Adam Kwinta, Robert Walkiewicz
Ośrodek Diagnostyczno-Leczniczy „Chirurgia Jednego Dnia” Szpitala Zakonu Bonifratrów św. Jana Grandego w Krakowie


prostate benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) surgical treatment laser


Photoselective vaporization of the prostatae (PVP) was used in 151 patients with BPH admitted to St. John Grande Hospital of the
Merciful Brothers’ Order in Krakow between June 2006 and August 2008. The final analysis data set included 130 patients followed
up for at least 6 weeks after surgery. Over 29% of patients were considered high risk for surgery and anesthesia (ASAIII), 25 patients
had prolonged urinary retention and 39 patients had prostate volumes greater than 100 cm3. After surgery all patients were able to
void spontaneously and maximum urinary flow rate Qmax improved from preoperative 0-4-10 ml/s to 10-22 ml/s postoperatively. The
IPSS decreased after surgery by 5 points on average. All patients require further follow-up. However, initial data analysis indicates that
PVP may be a useful alternative to TURP or open surgery in high risk patients. With proper patient selection PVP may be performed in
patients with prostate volumes greater than 100 cm3.


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Adam Kwinta
Szpital Zakonu Bonifratrów św. Jana Grandego
31-061 Kraków
ul. Trynitarska 11
tel. (012) 430 57 74