PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Primary hiperparathyroidism as a cause of urolithiasis
Article published in Urologia Polska 2008/61/3.


Krzysztof Tupikowski, Grażyna Bednarek-Tupikowska, Romuald Zdrojowy
Katedra i Klinika Urologii i Onkologii Urologicznej Akademii Medycznej we Wrocławiu
Katedra i Klinika Endokrynologii, Diabetologii i Leczenia Izotopami Akademii Medycznej we Wrocławiu


urinary tract urolithiasis primary hiperparathyroidism


Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP) is a relatively common disease occurring in approximately 0.3% of population. In about 70% of
cases persistent and recurrent urolithiasis is a main symptom that may cause severe renal damage, even renal insufficiency. Patients
with urinary stone disease are referred in most cases to urologists. This determines their special role in early diagnosis of PHP. In many
patients this condition stays often long undiagnosed or is diagnosed when renal and/or skeletal damage already occurred. In this paper
authors describe symptoms, diagnostic tools and treatment of PHP as a possible cause of severe urinary tract damage.


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Krzysztof Tupikowski
Klinika Urologii
ul. Borowska 213
50-556 Wrocław
tel. (071) 733 10 10/09