PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Staging lymphadenectomy in diagnosis and therapy of the first stage in embroinal nonseminamatous tumour growth
Article published in Urologia Polska 1993/46/1.


Leszek Jeromin, Marek Sosnowski
Z Kliniki Urologii Instytutu Chirurgii AM w Łodzi
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. med. L. Jeromin Dyrektor Instytutu: prof. dr hab. med. A. Sołtysiak


The authors present, 52 positive results of \"staging lymphadenectomy\" treatment during the first stage of nonsemitoatous germinal tumour testis. By means of this method precise staging of the disease could be defined and, in 15 cases (28,8%), after surgical procedures of patients suffering from mirco-metastases in lymph nodes chemotherapy could be performed. No important intra-or postoperative complications in those patients were observed. Ejaculatory _rbances were observed in 7 patients and only 4 (7,7%) were permanent. Lu ng and Inguinale lymph nodes metastases were observed during one year in 4 (7,7%) patients and disappeared after chemotherapy.
All the patients are still alive, and without active neoplasm. Among all the factors that could cause metastases only neoplasmatic invasion of blood yessels of the tumour was statistically significant.


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prof. dr hab. med. Leszek Jeromin
Ul. Pabianicka 62,
93-513 Łódź
Klinika Urologii AM