PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Preoperative systemic chemoptherapy CMV (cisplatin, methotrexate, vinblastin) in infiltrating cancer of the urinary bladder
Article published in Urologia Polska 1992/45/4.


Andrzej Stokłosa, Jan Szymanowski, Ewa Koźmińska
Z Oddziału Urologii Szpitala Bielańskiego w Warszawie Ordynator: dr n. med. J. Szymanowski


Presented here is a group of 41 patients with bladder cancer (T2-T3) in whom neo--adjuvant preoperative systematic chemotherapy was applied. The paper discusses the treatment results, methods of surgery and toxicity. Complete response to treatment (CCR) was observed in 12 (29.0%) patients, partial response (PCR) in 11 (27.0%) patients, no response (STAB) in 10 (24.0%) patients and progress of cancer was observed in 6 (15.0%) patients. Two (5.0%) patients died because of the toxicity of CMV


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lek. med. Andrzej Stokłosa 01-391 Warszawa, ul. Anieli Krzywoń 4 m. 13