PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Results of own experience in Percutaneous removal of renal calculi
Article published in Urologia Polska 1991/44/4.


Adam Szkodny, Andrzej Noga, Andrzej Prajsner, Wojciech Szewczyk, Grzegorz Szkodny
Z I Katedry i Kliniki Urologii Śl. AM w Katowicach Kierownik: prof. zw. dr hab. n. med. A, Szkodny


In the paper is presented own experience and results of Percutaneous removal of renal calculi in 1618 patients, in whom 1892 procedures were performed. Good results were obtained in 1370 patients (84.7%), Only in 7 patients (0.4%) in whom Percutaneous procedure was unsuccessful the calculi were removed surgically. Complications were involved in 20.5% patients and included 5 deaths (0.3%).


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prof. zw. dr hab. n. med. Adam Szkodny, Klinika Urologii Śl. AM, 40-073 Katowice, ul. Strzelecka 9