PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Prognostic Factors for Patients with Germ Cell Tumour of the Testis
Article published in Urologia Polska 2002/55/1.


Beata Paluchowska, Paweł Wiechno, Piotr Marczyński, Tomasz Demkow
Centrum Onkologii - Instytut im. M. Sklodowskiej-Curie Klinika Nowotworów Układu Moczowego w Warszawie Kierownik kliniki: dr hab. Tomasz Demkow


testis, testicular germ cell tumour, prognostic factors


Introduction. The precise prognostic and risk stratification criteria for patients with germ cell tumour of the testis (GCTT) are still an area of controversy. The IGCCCG classification system, widely used nowadays, is only a working system.
Objectives. A proportional hazard risk model for GCTT patients to be evaluated.
Patients and Methods. Nine hundred and forty one GCTT patients treated from 1980 to 1995 were analysed. The prognostic value of clinical stage, age, presence of brain, liver and bone metastases, histological type, diameter of the largest metastatic lesion in lungs and in retroperitoneal area, as well as the number of metastases in lungs were evaluated.
Results. The following variables have a statistically significant impact on death and treatment failure risk: clinical stage (p<0.00005 and p<0.00005), age over 50 (p<0.00005 and p=0.0244), brain metastases (p=0.0022 and p=0.0605), pathological mass in the retroperitoneal space of diameter over 10 cm (p=0.0063 and p=0.0244), elevated AFP (p=0.042 and p=0.0766), elevated HCG (p=0.0395 and p=0.003).
Conclusions. Clinical stage, diameter of pathological retroperitoneal mass, brain metastases, elevated HCG or AFP and patient age are independent risk factors determining probability of treatment failure and patient death.


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Beata Paluchowska
Centrum Onkologii-Instyttti iffi. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie
Klinika Nowotworów Układu Moczowego
ul. Roentgena 5
02-781 Warszawa
tel/fax (0-22) 644 50 24 wew. 27.22