PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Uric acid as a component of calcium oxalate stones: diagnostic and therapeutic implications
Article published in Urologia Polska 2002/55/3.


Krzysztof Safranow 1, Piotr Machoy 2
1 Zakład Biochemii i Chemii Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej w Szczecinie
Kierownik zakładu: dr hab. Dariusz Chlubek
2 Oddział Urologii Samodzielnego Publicznego Zespołu Zakładów Opieki Zdrowotnej w Policach
Kierownik oddziału: dr Piotr Machoy


urinary tract, urolithiasis, calcium oxalate, uric acid, high-performance liquid chromatography


The role of uric acid (UA) in the pathogenesis of calcium oxalate stones has been published in the literature many times. The aim of the study was to estimate uric acid content in urinary stones which are rich in calcium. We analysed 65 stone samples from 48 patients of the West Pomeranian region of Poland. The uric acid content was examined with the use of highly specific and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), calcium and magnesium content by atomic absorption method, and phosphorus content by colorimetric method with the use of molybdate. Stones were classified according to the compound present in the highest amount. Uric acid was a principal component in 22% of the stones and was found in 72% of all stones. Calcium oxalate was a principal compound in 50% of the stones. Of calcium oxalate stones, in 33% UA was not found, in 33% there were only <0.1% of UA, and in 33% there were >0.1% of UA. The HPLC purine analysis showed that a majority of calcium oxalate stones contain a trace quantity of UA. These results suggest that UA content in calcium oxalate stones may be useful as an indication for lowering uricosuria in metaphylaxis.


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Knysziof Safranow
Zakład Biochemii i Chemii 1JAM
Al. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 72
70-111 Szczecin
lel/fax: (O-91) 466 15 16