PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Renal abscesses after prostatectomy
Article published in Urologia Polska 1978/31/2.


Mirosław Kazoń, Jacek S. Kossakowski
Oddział Urologiczny Szpitala Bielańskiego w Warszawie
Ordynator: doc. dr hab. M. Kazoń


The authors describe four cases of renal abscesses following prostatectomy. in one case abscesses were bilateral. All patients were treated surgically with good results. It is thought that the diagnosis of renal abscess after prostatectomy may be difficult. The only effectiv treatment is surgery. If the condition of th patients is severe, if he is elderly, and the unai fected kidney is ade±uately functioning th kidney with the abscess should be removed


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Szpital Wolski, Oddział Urologiczny
ul. Kasprzaka 17