PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Anastomoses of adrenal vessels with perirenal and intrarenal yessełs and their clinical importance
Article published in Urologia Polska 1978/31/2.


Eugeniusz Miękoś
Klinika Urologiczna Instytutu Chirurgii WAM
Kierownik: prof. dr J. Leńko


The author demonstrated in a materiał of 220 human adrenals and kidneys presence of numerous anastomoses between middle and inferior adrenal vessels and the perirenal vessels in all investigated preparations and direct anastomoses between the inferior adrenal vessels and the intrarenal vessels (arterial in 6%, venous in 19% of the invesiigated preparations). In the discussion the role of these anastomoses in the surgery of adrenals and kidneys and in the radiological diagnosis of the diseases of these organs is stressed.


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