PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Ate consequences of pelvis fracture with rupture of the urinary bladder
Article published in Urologia Polska 2001/54/2.


Dariusz Borowiec, Tadeusz Spruch, Dariusz Stępnik
Klinika Urologii Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie Kierownik Kliniki: prof, dr hab. med. Tadeusz Spruch


urinary bladder, closed injury


The case of a patient with the comminuted fracture of pelvis bones and the rupture of the urinary bladder has been presented. The way the patient was treated after the trauma has caused the partly ossification of the bladder cavity and the formation of stone filling it up.


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Dariusz Borowiec,
20-836 Lublin
Kurantowa 4/276.
tel. 742 21 94