PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Morbidity and urological treatment failure in senile patients (satistical studies)
Article published in Urologia Polska 1978/31/3.


Zygmunt Koczorowski, Leonard Teneta, Jerzy Zieliński
Instytut Chirurgii ¦l. AM im. L. Waryńskiego
dyrektor: prof. dr hab. C. Sadliński
Klinika Urologii, kierownik: prof. dr hab. J. Zieliński


From statistical data collected by Urological and General Out-patient Clinics and Depart-ments of Urology and Surgery it results that among urological patients are higher number of senile patients, e. g. 4—5 times more numerous are patients over 70 in the urological hospital in comparision with surgical one. Postoperative
morality of urological patients over 70 is over 20-fold higher than t³iose up to 50 years of age. Fatal embolism of pulmonary embolism is more fre±uent in patients over 60 than in those between 40 and 60. Ocurrence of diseases and causes of deaths are significantly correlated with senile age.


Klinika Urologiczna AM
ul. Warszawska 52
40-008 Katowice