PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Article published in Urologia Polska 2000/53/2.


Romuald Zdrojowy, Elżbieta Górzyńska
Katedra i Klinika Urologii AM we Wrocławiu
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. med. J. Lorenz
Pracownia Histopatologii Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Zespolonego, Wrocław
Kierownik Pracowni: dr n. med. E. Górzyńska


prostate adenocarcinoma grading


Objectives. The histological differentiation of prostate cancer is an important
predictive factor. However, the grading obtained from the needle biopsy
specimen may be significantly different from grading obtained from radical
prostatectomy specimen. The aim of the study was to compare the prostate
needle biopsy grade with the grade of the whole prostate specimen after radical
Material and methods. The prostate cancer grade of 98 men treated by radical
prostatectomy between 1990-1997 at Clinic of Urology of Medical University
of Wroclaw was performed. The statistical analysis comparing grade obtained
from needle biopsy with the grade from prostate specimen after radical
prostatectomy was made. The postoperative primary tumour differentiation
was performed on histopathological analysis of paraffin slides made
transversally, every 0.5 cm from prostate specimen.
Results. The needle biopsy grade was as follows: G1 in 30/98 (31%), G2 in
21/98 (21%) and G3 in 47/98 (48%) patients. The histopathological examination
of postoperative specimen showed: pG0 in 2/98 (2%), pG3 in 20/98 (20%), pG2
in 18/98 (18%) and pG3 in 58/98 (60%) patients. The grade obtained from needle
biopsy statistically differed (significance level 0. 05) from the grade from prostate
specimen after radical prostatectomy. The needle biopsy median value was G2
compared to G3 from postoperative specimen. The good and median cancer
differentiation (G1+G2) was often observed in the needle specimens than in
postoperative specimens. However, the strong correlation between these two
grading systems was observed.
Conclusions. The needle biopsy grade is often lower than the grade of radical
prostatectomy specimen. The difference between them is statistically significant
although the strong correlation also exists.


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