PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Article published in Urologia Polska 1999/52/2.


Piotr Kaczmarek, Eugeniusz Miękoś, Jerzy Niemirowicz, Waldemar Różański
Klinika Urologii I. CH. WAM w Łodzi
Kierownik Kliniki: prof.dr hab. E. Miękoś
Oddział Urologii Zarządu Służby Zdrowia MSW w Łodzi
Ordynator: dr n. med. Jerzy Niemirowicz


bladder neoplasma immunotherapy


Introduction. Proper methods of superfcial bladder neoplasms treatment
depend among others on both, the degree of bladder wall infiltration and cellular
anaplasia. The treatment of such a disease resolves itself to tumour
electroresection and intrabladder infusions in order to prolong the period of
tumour remission or to counteract neoplasm recurrence.
Aim Assessment of the efectiveness of preparations such as adriblastyna,
epirubicyna and BCG suspension applied in the continuation of superficial
bladder neoplasms treatment.
Material and method. Assessment of the effectiveness ofrespective
preparations was performed in 212 patients allotted into four groups
dependently on the kind of the applied Preparation and the control group with
no Preparation administered. The preparations were applied in the form of
intrabladder instylations.
Results. Significant dependency was found among particular groups of
patients and the control group. However, the highest efficacy was observed in
the group in which BCG suspension was applied.
Conclusions. Application of preparations in the form of intrabladder
instylations significantly prolongs the neoplasm rate remission the most effective
is BCG suspension.


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