PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1998/51/3.


Zbigniew Tański, Adam Janiak
Oddział Urologiczny Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Zespolonego w Ostrołęce
Ordynator Oddziału: lek. med. E. Pogodski
Zakład Patomorfologii Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Zespolonego w Ostrołęce
Kierownik Zakładu: dr n. med. A. Janiak


bladder thyroid hormones low T3 syndrome


Objective. The low T3 syndrome is often observed at patients with serious
chronic diseases. The aim of the study was the estimation of changes in serum
concentrations of the thyroid hormones at patients with genito-urinary tract
Material and methods. The study was done at 33 patients: 7 women and 26
men. Among them were: 10 pts with cystolithiasis, 11 pts with bladder
carcinoma, 1 pts with bladder papilloma, 11 pts with cystitis. In all patients
following examinations were done: ultrasonography of the abdomen, IVP
biochemical examinations: serum concentration of T3,T4 creatinine, BUN,
proteinogram. EIA-ABBOT method was used to estimate T3 and T4 serum
Results. The following results of serum T3 concentrations were observed: at
bladder stone patients from 1.0 to 2.6 nmol/1, medium 1.71 ? 0.4 nmol/1, at
bladder cancer patients from 1.0 to 2.0 nmol/1, medium 1.6 ? 0.3 nmol/1, at
patients with cystitis from 1.2 to 3.0 nmol/1, medium 1.7 ? 0.5 nmol/1. The
serum concentrations of creatinine and proteins were normal.
Conclusions. The low T3 syndrome was not observed at patients with genito-
urinary tract diseases such as bladder stone diseases, cystitis and bladder
carcinoma. At 8 pts after surgical treatment without complications the serum
T3 concentrations were normal too. At 3 patients with serum T3 postoperative
infection the serum T3 concentrations were significantly lowered.


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