PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Article published in Urologia Polska 1998/51/3.


Wojciech Husiatyński, Wojciech Pypno
Klinika Urologii CMKP w Warszawie
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. med. A. Borówka


prostate benign prostatic hyperplasia transurethral resection vaporesection


Objective. The purpose of this prospective study was to value the safety and
the efficacy of transurethral vaporesection of the prostate (TUVRP), and to analise
the initially evaluation of permanent therapeutic effect.
Material and methods. From January to November 1997, 47 TUVRP were
performed (mean age 68.7). Preoperative IPSS ranged between 8 and 32 (mean
22.4), QoL - 3 and 6 (mean4.4), Qmax - 0 and 14 ml/s (mean 6.85 ml/s), Qavc -
0 and 9 ml/s (mean 3.7 ml/s), Rv - 20 and 540 ml (mean 172 ml). We used
resectoscope of 24 french sheat with the new vapor-cut loop, an electronic
coagulator Autocon 300 at a power 200 W. Surgical techni±ue, border of resection
was like standard TURP, speed of electrode slow (one third the speed of a TURP).
Results. No patient re±uired blood transfusion, or had TUR syndrome. The
catheter had been removed mainly the following day and almost all patients
voided spontaneusly.
Conclusions. Vaporesection of prostate seems to bee a safe techin±ue for
treatment of Symptomatic BPH. The follow-up of 6 months shows that TUVRP
improves significantly measure parameters of miction (IPSS, QoL, Qmax, Qave, Rv),
but to determine the permanent therapeutic effect, further follow-up evaluation
is needed.


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