PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1998/51/2.


Mariusz Płodzidyn, Szymon Kwiatkowski, Cezary Ciomek, Mariusz Kinal
Oddział Urologii Szpitala Miejskiego w Inowrocławiu
Ordynator Oddziału: dr n. med. Sz. Kwiatkowski


horseshoe kidney ? diseases concomitant with horseshoe kidney ? treatment


Objective. The authors presented the analysis of cases with horseshoe
kidney and concomitant diseases. The patients were treated at Urology Ward,
Hospital in Inowrocław between 1993 and 1998.
Material and method. 17 patients underwent the treatment. 13 patients
re±uired surgery: 11 cases of hydronephrosis coexisted with nephrolithiasis,
1 patient with carcinoma, and 1 patient with injury of horseshoe kidney. In 9
cases isthmotomy was performed, in 3 patients the accessory yessels with
infiltration to renal pelvis were cut, 2 patients re±uired the resection of the
lower pole of kidney, 1 patient was treated with PCNL, and 1 patient URS.
Results. Good results of the treatment were achieved in the early and late
stages. In 1 case the temparary increase of hydronephrosis was observed,
and in 1 case perinephrial absess occurred.
Conclusions. The use of combined surgical methods and isthmotomy are
effective treatment in management of cases with the complicated horseshoe


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