PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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The pituitary gland and testicular endocrine function failure and erectile dysfunction in 23 years old man after self-administered anabolic steroids
Article published in Urologia Polska 2005/58/4.


Roland Dadej
Katedra i Klinika Urologii Akademii Medycznej w Poznaniu
Indywidualna Specjalistyczna Praktyka Lekarska: dr n. med. Roland Dadej
Kierownik katedry i kliniki: prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Kwias


penis, erectile dysfunction, testicle, pituitary gland, hormonal disorders, anabolic steroids, doping


An endeavor to increase the fitness, body image and athletic performance can be pathologic. The case of 23 years old man using self - administered anabolic steroids to improve the musculature and increase muscular strength was described. Administration of anabolic agents led to failure of the pituitary gland and testicular endocrine function and deeply altered the sexual function. The diagnostic procedure, treatment methods and therapeutic effects were described.


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Roland Dadej
Klinika Urologii AM
ul. Szwajcarska 3
61-285 Poznań
tel./fax (061) 87 39 237