PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Urinary lithiasis (part I). Non-metabolic factors associated with urolithiasis
Article published in Urologia Polska 2005/58/3.


Bożena Eberdt-Gołąbek
Instytut Matki i Dziecka w Warszawie, Klinika Pediatrii
Dyrektor instytutu: prof. dr hab. Wojciech Woźniak
Kierownik kliniki: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Milanowski


urinary tract, urinary lithiasis, non-metabolic forms of urinary lithiasis


Urinary lithiasis is not always an isolated finding, which is treated by surgical procedures. Frequently, there is a severe inborn metabolic disorder of various etiology responsible for the progressive stone formation. Hence the diagnosis of the different etiological factors makes prophylaxis easier.
The aim of the study.
The aim of this presentation is to demonstrate the pathomechanism of renal stone formation and to discuss the non-metabolic factors which are involved, such as: infectious urinary lithiasis, idiopathic oxalic urinary lithiasis, distal ileal dysfunction, after resection of ileum terminale, in cases of renal pyramid spongiosis and after long-term immobilisation.
Each patient with urolithiasis should undergo investigations in order to establish the etiology. Non-metabolic etiology of urinary lithiasis is not the most common cause of renal stone formation.


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Bożena Eberdt-Gołąbek
Klinika Pediatrii
ul. Kasprzaka 17a
01-211 Warszawa
tel. /fax (022) 32 77 043