PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1989/42/2.


Jan Szymanowski, Ewa Ko¼mińska, Stefan Zgliczyński
Z Oddzia³u Urologii Szpitala Bielańskiego w Warszawie
Ordynator: dr n. med. J. Szymanowski Z Kliniki Endokrynologii CMKP w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr hab. med. S. Zgliczyński


The aim of the work is to evaluate the influence of total testosterone (T) concentration in the blood serum on the stabilization of advanced prostatic ade­noma. The stabilization mean the regression of complaints, lack of local carcinoma progression and preservation of normal activity of phosphates in the blood serum. Concentration T was determined in the blood serum of 45 patients with advanced prostatic carcinoma, among 14 (31.1°/o) with metastasis. The patients were admini­stered phosthrolin and parlodel (orally). The observation lasted 5 years (on the average). Concentration T in the blood serum was 1?4 ng/ml in 22 (48.9%) pa­tients, more than 4 ng/ml in 12 patients (26.7%), less than 1 ng/ml ? in 11 (24.4%) patients. The stabilization was observed in 39 (86.7%) patients whereas worsening in in 6 (13.3%), among them in 2 (4.4% of the total number) in whom the concen­tration was less than 1 ng/ml.
It seems that the stabilization of prostatic carcinoma may be connected with the preservation of T concenrations in the blood serum typical for the age of patients.


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