PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1988/41/4.


Jan Szymanowski, Ewa Koźmińska, Stefan Zgliczyński
Z Oddziału Urologii Szpitala Bielańskiego w Warszawie
Ordynator: dr n. med. J. Szymanowski Z Kliniki Endokrynologii CMKP w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr hab. med. S. Zgliczyński


The aim of the article is to evaluate the usefulness of determining concentra­tions of testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the blood serum of pa­tients with prostatic carcinoma before starting therapy and also to evaluate the correlation between concentrations of T, DHT and acid phosphaase activity, its prostatic fraction and the survival time in a group of 45 patients undergoing the same therapeutic procedure. A Control group were 58 healthy men of the same age group.
Twenty-one patients (46.7'%) with an increased level of T and DHT had low phosphatase activity and long survival time.
Hormonal treatment reducing concentrations of T and DHT in patients with low initial concentrations of the hormones seems useless, especially in patients with low activity of prostatic fraction of acid phosphatase and no clinical symp- toms.


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