PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1988/41/3.


Bogatyr Mamedowicz Alijew
Z Kliniki Radioterapii Wszechzwiązkowego Naukowego Centrum
Onkologii Akademii Nauk Medycznych ZSRR w Moskwie
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr nauk med. B. M. Alijew


On the grounds of precise physicodosimetric, topometric and clinical examina-tions and the evaluation of the neoplasm range, the author worked out three tech­niąues of telegammatherapy of the prostatic carcinoma. In the stage T1_2 No Mo he applies irradiation of the very prostate using one- or two-zone rotation up to the dose of 65?70 Gy. In the stage T1-4 N1-3 Mo the author applies irradiation of the whole pelvis minor up to a dose of 45 Gy and then complimentarily, using smaller fields, he irradiates the primary tumour up to a dose of 65?70 Gy. In the stage T1-4 N4 Mo the author applies irradiation of periaortal lymph modes up to 35 Gy and then he uses the telegammatherapy of the pelvis in the way descri­bed above combined with hormonal treatment. The first two therapy procedures were applied in 45 patients with prostatic caricnoma in the stage T1-4 N0_3 Mo, who finished their therapy 5 years ago. The total regression of the neoplasm after the end of the therapy was found in 30 out of 45 patients (66.7%), recurrence happened in 8 patients out of 29?27.6% (one patient got out of observation). Remote meta­stasis developed in 13 patients (29.5°/o). A group of 56,8°/o of patients lived five years or langer after the therapy applied. No late irradiation complications were found in any of the patients.


  1. 1. Bagshaw M.A.: External radiation therapy in the management of prostate cancer. Proceedingds, 13th Intern. Cancer Congress, Seattle, Washington, USA, 1982, 85, 472. ? 2. Hilaris D.S., Batata M.A., Whitmore W.F.: 10 year experience with, I?125 interstitial brachytherapy in prostate cancer. Proceedings, 13th Intern. Can­cer Congress, Seattle, Washington, USA, 1982, 85, 473.