PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1988/41/1.


Waldemar Dorobek, Tadeusz Krzeski, Andrzej Borkowski, Stefan Zgliczyński, Bogusława Baranowska
Z Kliniki Endokrynologii CMKP w Warszawie Kierownik: prof dr hab. med. S. Zgliczyński
Z Kliniki Urologii AM w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr hab. med. T. Krzeski


The purpose of the tests performed. in patients with the prostatic adenoma was to find out the presence of the gonadothropinas LH and FSH in the tissue of the prostatic gland. The analysis was based on 46 tissues of the prostatic ade­noma taken during adenomectomy, 12 tissues of the nucleus and 10 tissues of the sceletal muscle. The gonadothropins LH and FSH were measured radioimmunologically following their extraction from the tissue sediments (received by means of centnfuging of homogenates of the tissues examined). An average concentration of gonadothropins in the tissue of the prostatic adenome was: LH ? 117,5 mU/g of tissue (SE+10,5), FSH ? 33,7 mU/g of tissue (SE+3,8) and in the serum of the patients: LH ? 14,0 mU/ml (SE?1,1), FSH ? 2,3 mU/ml (SE+0,1). An average of the gonadothropins in the tissue of the nucleus was LH ? 147,2 mU/g of tissue (SE+17,8), FSH ? 133,8 mU/g of tissue (SE?18,3), and in the serum of the sick: LH ? 7,4 mU/ml (SE?0,8), FSH ? 3,1 mU/ml (SE?0,3).
The concentration of LH and FSH in the tissue of the prostatic adenoma ex-ceeded their concentrations in the serum. The concentration of LH in the pros­tatic adenoma did not differ significantly from that in the tissue of the nucleus. Finding out the presence of LH and FSH in the tissue of the prostatic adenoma in concentrations exeeeding those found in the serum may indicate that in the prostatic adenoma there are some mechanisms regulating the metabolism of andro­gens with the participation of LH and FSH.


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