PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1987/40/2.


Wiktor Łotocki
Z Kliniki Ginekologii i Położnictwa Septycznego Instytutu Położnictwa i Chorób
Kobiecych AM w Białymstoku
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. med. W. Łotocki
Dyrektor Instytutu: prof. dr hab. med. M. Szamatowicz


In six women operated on for interstitial cystitis coexistent with chronic patho­logical processes in the internal genitals histological and histochemical investiga-tions were carried out in the part of the bladder containing pathological changes and dn the paravesical parametrial connective tissue. Biochemical and morphologi­cal regressive changes were assessed in the connective tissue, muscle layer, blood vassels and nerves. In the area of bladder wall ulceration three zones of patholo­gical changes were demonstrated. The peripheral zone contained a cellular in­flammatory reaction, the middle zone shoved presence of reactive transformation" in the blood vessels, and the inner zone included degenerative changes. In the ul­cer and its surroundings fibrinoid and hyaline changes were present, with fibrosis, scar formation and degeneration of blood vessels and nerves. The pathological le­sions demonstrated in interstitial cystis may be due 70 chronic pathological pro­cesses in the internal genitals and may produce a substrate for an autoimmune process leading to development of ulceration.


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