PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Renal injuries in the clinical materiał of the department of urology, Medical Academy in Kraków
Article published in Urologia Polska 1982/35/3-4.


Jan Leńko, Marek Gałka, Maciej Augustyn
Katedra i Kliniki Urologii AM w Krakowie
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr med. J. Leńko


The authors analysed a group of 65 patients treated for renal injuries in the years 1969?1979. A three-grade scording system was accepted for elassification of injuries. Forty-six patients (70.8%) were treated conservatively, including all pa­tients with grade I injury and 14 with grade II. In 19 cases the treatment was surgical (29.2!%>) with early operations in 11 cases, including 5 nephrecto-mies and 6 sparing operations. Eight patients operated upon at a later trem had nephrectomies.


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