PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Giant cavernous angioma of the scrotum and perineum operated on after clamping of the internal iliac arteries to control bleeding
Article published in Urologia Polska 2008/61/3.


Adam Kwinta, Roman Rachtan, Tomasz Mrowiecki
Ośrodek Diagnostyczno-Leczniczy „Chirurgia Jednego Dnia” Szpitala Zakonu Bonifratrów św. Jana Grandego w Krakowie
Wojewódzki Oddział Chirurgii Naczyń Szpitala Zakonu Bonifratrów św. Jana Grandego w Krakowie


scrotum cavernous angioma atypical operation


Scrotal angiomas are extremely rare and tend to disappear in 90% of cases by the 7th year. They are usually operated on in childhood
and for this reason they are infrequently encountered in adults. We describe a case of giant cavernous angioma of the scrotum filling
up recurrently with blood. Because of its size and fear of hemorrhage from large caliber veins the tumor was excised surgically after
clamping of the internal iliac arteries.


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Adam Kwinta
Szpital Zakonu Bonifratrów św. Jana Grandego
31-061 Kraków
ul. Trynitarska 11
tel. (012) 430 57 74