PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Kinesitherapy in women with incontinence
Article published in Urologia Polska 2008/61/Supl. 1.


Ewa Strupińska
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Warszawie



Main reasons of the embarrassing ailments in stress urinary incontinence are weakness, flaccidity and deficiency of the structure holding the organs of pelvic minor in the proper position. Anatomical instability can be genetically determined or may be the result of childbirths, hard physical work, etc. (situations concerning action of abdominal press that provokes flaccidity and deficiency of the above mentioned structures), changes caused by age and overweight.


The purpose of the presented research was the evaluation of efficiency of the physical exercises implemented in the stress urinary incontinence treatment in women.

Materials and methods.

Test group consisted of 32 women, the patients of urological clinic qualified to the preservative treatment with diagnosed urinary incontinence on the basis of medical examination and ultrasonography. A cycle of exercises was applied and the progress of the therapy was evaluated basing on the scale available in literature. The subjective assessment of the ailments is based on the questionnaire prepared by the author. The analysis of the results was done with the Statistica 7.1 program.


In results were: 1. extensive of maximum contraction, 2. accrue strength of contraction.


The following conclusions have been drawn: The systematic pelvic floor muscles exercises contribute to the extension of maximum contraction in palpable examination – cause increased strength of contraction in palpable examination. 2. According to the opinion of the exercise group, systematic pelvic floor muscles exercises reduce or eliminate stress leakage of urine, limit the feeling of being ill, help to get over the critical situations (cough, sneeze).