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The evaluation of the effects and satisfaction from the treatment with sildenafil citrate in men with erectile dysfunction after self-administered anabolic steroids
Article published in Urologia Polska 2006/59/4.


Roland Dadej
Katedra i Klinika Urologii i Onkologii Urologicznej Akademii Medycznej w Poznaniu


penis, erectile dysfunction, doping, anabolic steroids, treatment, sildenafil


Introduction and objectives. There is a growing number of men using anabolic steroids to improve fitness and muscular mass and strength. Usage of potent drugs modifying endocrine functions leads to deep alteration of the vital functions. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of the first symptoms. The efficacy and satisfaction from the treatment with sildenafil citrate in men with ED after self administered anabolic steroids was evaluated.
Material and methods. The study group consisted of 31 young men (19-26 years), treated with sildenafil citrate within normal dosage ranges (25-100 mg) - and drug was used according to individual requirements (on-demand basis). Sexual functions were evaluated with questionnaires: International Index of Erectile Function - 5 (IIEF-5), Quality of Life (QoL, 6 points), Quality of Erection Questionnaire (QEQ-7). Results were statistically analyzed.
Results. The significant improvement in the quality of life was observed in the study group. (QoL at the beginning - 4.8+/-1.2 to 1.7+/-0.9). Improvement of the sexual functions was clearly seen (IIEF-5: 15.0+/-3,5 to 20.5+/-2.1, with QEQ 16.9+/-4.1 to 30.4+/-3.3). Satisfaction from the treatment (6 points, first evaluation after dose setting, last after the treatment; 3.5+/-0.8 to 1.6+/-0.6, assuming 1-outstanding, 5-very poor) was assessed as high in the studied population. 74.2% of screened men noted significant and satisfactory improvement of erectile function, with no need of further treatment. Adverse effects were transient and of mild intensity.
Conclusions. Men with ED after self administered anabolic steroids do not need any special treatment modification and respond well to the treatment with standard dose of sildenafil citrate. The treatment significantly improves sexual functions and quality of life.


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Roland Dadej
Klinika Urologii i Onkologii Urologicznej
ul. Szwajcarska 3
61-285 Poznań
tel. (061) 873 94 28