PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Urolithiasis as continous process of crystalization and dezintegration of crystals - biomineralogical evidences
Article published in Urologia Polska 2006/59/4.


Maciej Pawlikowski 1, Adam Kwinta 2
1 Pracownia Biomineralogii Zakładu Mineralogii, Petrografii i Geochemii Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie
2 Ośrodek Diagnostyczno-Leczniczy "Chirurgia Jednego Dnia" Szpitala Zakonu Bonifratrów św. Jana Granego w Krakowie


urinary system, urolithiasis, diagnostics, biomineralogy, crystallization


Introduction. The nephroliths, their structure and mineral composition have been the subject of various studies for a long time. Despite this fact the application of the theoretical basis to biochemistry of a living human organism is still very difficult and inefficient.
The aim of the study. The aim of this study is to investigate and describe the processes of renal calculus formation through the analyses of their crystallization.
Material and methods. Applied 100 samples of nephroliths from 96 patients were analyzed. The samples were gathered as the result of spontaneous passage or endoscopic and surgical removal. In the analysis the following methods were applied: digital microscope, polarizing microscope for transmitted light, scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffractometry, EDS chemical analyses.
Results. The recurrence of mineralization have been observed in 85% of analyzed renal calculi. In all cases the fragments of disintegrated, old nephroliths became the new stones nuclei of crystallization. Urolithiasis seems to be a continuous process of crystallization and decomposition of crystals. 3% of samples revealed the presence of mineralized bacteria close to the crystallization nuclei whereas 45% of analyzed samples contained fragments of tissues indicating former infections.
Conclusions. 1. The biomineralogical analyzes provide invaluable data for completion of clinical, biochemical and bacteriological diagnosis. These supplemental test would be specially vital given the fact, that diagnosis is very often uncertain. 2. Biomineralogical analyzes, more efficient than chemical tests, allow to observe the crystallization dynamics in each individual case and therefore should become a routine procedure. This would guarantee the proper diagnosis and avoidance of mistreatment and metaphylaxy.


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Maciej Pawlikowski
al. Mickiewicza 30
30-059 Kraków
tel. (012) 617 39 35