PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Prostate cancer clinical stage at diagnosis
Article published in Urologia Polska 2006/59/4.


Jakub Dobruch 1, Elza Modzelewska 1, Monika Popiel 1, Stanisław Szempliński 1, Gerard Grotthuss 1, Tomasz Dzik 1, Artur A. Antoniewicz 1, Piotr Chłosta 2, Andrzej Borówka 1
1 Klinika Urologii Centrum Medycznego Kształcenia Podyplomowego, I Zespół Dydaktyki Urologicznej - Oddział Urologii Międzyleskiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego w Warszawie
2 Dział Urologii Świętokrzyskiego Centrum Onkologii w Kielcach


prostate, prostate cancer, diagnosis, clinical stage


Introduction. The clinical stage of the advance of prostate cancer is established on the basis of digital rectal examination (DRE) and of transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) and biopsy results.
Objective. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the stage of prostate cancer on the basis of the analysis of charts of men who underwent prostate biopsy in our department.
Material and methods. Data of men who were subjected to prostate biopsy from 1st January 2000 to 15th March 2005 because of increased sPSA (ł 4.0 ng/ml) and/or abnormal DRE and/or abnormal TRUS were analyzed.
Results. Prostate biopsy was performed on 854 men aged between 34 and 90 years (mean age - 69,15). PCa was found in 497 (58.2%) men. Clinically organ-confined prostate cancer (cT Ł2) was diagnosed in 343 (69%) of them. Among clinically organ-confined prostate cancers, well differentiated (Gl. s. Ł6) tumors were the most prevalent (82.8% of all organ confined tumors). PCa was confined to the prostate in all men aged from 40 to 49 years and in 53.2% of men aged from 70 to 79 years. Mean sPSA in men diagnosed with PCa at stages T1c, cT2a, cT2b and cT3 was 22.3 ng/ml, 17.5 ng/ml, 30.1 ng/ml and 47 mg/ml respectively.
Conclusions. Clinically organ-confined prostate cancer was diagnosed in more than 2/3 of patients with PCa. The risk of locally advanced prostate cancer increases with the age and PSA of patients. In comparison to locally advanced PCa, differentiation of clinically organ-confined prostate cancer is on the whole better.


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Jakub Dobruch
Oddział Urologii Międzyleskiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego
ul. Bursztynowa 2
04-749 Warszawa
tel. 0 503 072 230