PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Plasmatic serine protease inhibitors in blood of operated patients with carcinoma prostate
Article published in Urologia Polska 1994/47/3.


Zbigniew Ziętek, Iza Iwan-Ziętek, Maria Kotschy, Ferdynand Tyloch
Z Katedry i Zakładu Patofizjologii AM w Bydgoszczy
Kierownik: Prof. dr hab. n. med. M. Kotschy
Z Katedry i Kliniki Urologii AM w Bydgoszczy
p.o. Kierownik: Dr n. med. F. Tyloch


The activity of plasmatic serine protease inhibitors of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis
were checked on the background of selected parameters of haemostasis process with the patients
suffering from the prostatic carcinoma.
Before the operation low activity of AT III, alpha 2-AP, alpha 2-MG and PC and high
activity of alpha 1-PI was observed. After the operation was noticed a far decreased activity of
AT III, alpha 2-AP, alpha 2-MG and PC. Before and after an operation the dimnished activity
of plasmatic serine protease inhibitors was the proof for their consumption in the activation of
fibrynolysis and blood coagulation process. Carcinoma prostate and the operation on morbid
prostatic gland induced the release of activators of blood coagulation and fibrynolysis


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dr n. med. Zbigniew Ziętek
85-090 Bydgoszcz, ul. Powst. Wlkp. 44/28