PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Sexual disturbances following prostatic adenoma remoyal
Article published in Urologia Polska 1978/31/2.


Tomasz Rau, Aleksander Wigura, Romuald Kujawa
Oddział Urologiczny Centralnego Szpitala Kolejowego w Warszawie
Ordynator: doc. dr A. Wigura
Dyrektor Szpitala: dr J. Wi¶niewski


The authors describe the results of investiga-tions on disturbances of sexual life after supra-pubiic transcystic removal of prostatic adenoma in 111 patients treated at the department of urology of the Central Hospital of the Railways Health Service. After the operation 23 patients had no sexual intercourses, and 88 continued to have them, 45 complained that their sexual life was less good after the operation, in 36 cases it was unchanged, in J it improved. Changes of libido and erection in different groups of patients are described also.


  1. Urologia Polska T. VI. 1954 r. str. 38.


Centralny Szpital Kolejowy w Warszawie, Oddział Urologiczny
ul. Bursztynowa 2
04-749 Warszawa