PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

CODE: 3.3 - Treatment of urolithiasis from 1994 to 2005 based on our own material
Article published in Urologia Polska 2006/59/Suplement 1.


Mieczysław Gałęzia, Arkadiusz Zapała, Tomasz Leksowski, Paweł Wrona, Paweł Kieres, Przemysław Woźniak
WS ZOZ Gruźlicy i Chorób Płuc Kielce z/s w Chęcinach


Introduction. Urolithiasis has been a medical problem for last twenty seven thousand years. Archeological researches found this problem among Egyptian society. During XIXth century and the beginning of XXth century evolution of invasive "open" methods to treat urolithiasis was seen. The end of XXth century is a time of non-invasive methods development like ESWL and particularly endourology (URS, PCNL). An appropriate combination of both of these methods almost completely eliminates necessity of invasive treatment.
Objectives. Estimation and analysis of changes in the treatment of urolithiasis associated with introduction of new methods: ESWL, PCNL, URS.
Materials and methods. Authors analyzed the number of patients who were treated by conservative therapy and by open surgery. In the Department of Urology in the period - from January 1994 to July 2005 we treated 4243 patients because of urolithiasis. 2283 patients were treated by conservative therapy, and 1961 patients were operated. 1077 open and 884 endoscopic procedures were carried out.
Results. Our analysis shows that more patients are treated because of urolithiasis. Less people were treated in a classical manner. There was also more endoscopic operations like: URS - 84% more, PCNL - 68% more and much more ESWL.
Conclusions. The results are similar with the results of other polish urology departments, and they show that number of classical operations in urolithiasis is decreasing and the number of endoscopic operation increasing. Endoscopic operations are less invasive and the time of hospitalization is shorter but they can not be the only one resolution for urolithiasis treatment. We must remember that sometimes we have to operate in a classical way.