PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Patient over 70 in urological department
Article published in Urologia Polska 1978/31/3.


Lesław Steinmetz, Janusz Filipiak, Wojciech Papesz
Oddział Urologiczny Z.O.Z. im. M. Kopernika w Toruniu
Ordynator: dr med. L. Steinmetz


The authors present 373 patients over 70 years of age treated at the urological department in Toruń within 1974—1977. These patients amounted to 13.26% of all treated persons. The patients were admitted to the hospital due to: adenoma of prostate — 52.54%, malignant tumors of genito-urinary tract — 26.0%, in-flammations—11.26%, lithiasis — 0.8% and observation — 3.48%. Qualification to the surgery was based on biological and not calender age. In 70.24% of patients at the admission to the hospital generał state of helth was good or
ade±uate to the age, in 23.05% reduced and in 6.7% bad. Some difference of symptoms and diagnostics and necessity to cooperate with ge­nerał practitioner are emphasized. In 276 of patients, after excluding malignant tumors of uro-genitary tract, recovery or improvement was achieved in 81.16%. No ersult of treatment was observed in 14.49% and worsening in 2.54% of patients. During hospitalization J.81% of patients died. Complications caused by co-existing diseases were main causes of death.


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dr med. Lesław Steinmetz
ul. Ko¶ciuszki 11D m. 4
87-100 Toruń