PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Penis reconstruction after traumatic amputation
Article published in Urologia Polska 2006/59/1.


Tomasz Zieliński, Julia Kruk-Jeromin
Klinika Chirurgii Plastycznej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w £odzi


penis, traumatic amputation, reconstruction, groin flap


Introduction and the aim of the study. Loss of the penis through trauma produces serious functional and psychological problems. Reconstruction of the phallus is indicated in such patients. In this paper we present results of phalloplasty with the use of the pedicled groin flap in patients who lost penis because of traumatic amputation.
Material and method. In one case amputation was caused by another person while in 2 other cases it happened by self-mutilation. One patient lost penis in injury caused by agricultural machine. Penis along with urethra was constructed with the use of a pedicled groin flap.
Results. In all patients the blood supply of the flap was good and there was no complication during early postoperative period. In two cases there were urinary fistulas in the place of anastomosis of the new and native urethra. In one patient fistula was repaired but in the second case the treatment was stopped due to deterioration of the patients mental disease.
Conclusions. Phalloplasty with the use of groin flap is a simple method of reconstruction with low risk of complications.


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Tomasz Zieliński
Klinika Chirurgii Plastycznej
ul. Kopcińskiego 22
90-153 £ódŸ¼
tel./fax (042) 67 76 749