PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Article published in Urologia Polska 2000/53/2.


Andrzej Urbanik 1, Zygmunt Dobrowolski 2, Małgorzata Grotyńska 1, Robert Chrzan 1, Leszek Woliński 2, Janusz Kosmala 1
1 Katedra i Zakład Radiologii CM UJ
p.o. Kierownik Katedry: dr med. A. Urbanik
2 Katedra i Klinika Urologii CM UJ
Kierownik Kliniki: doc. dr hab. Z. Dobrowolski


urinary tract urinary tract imaging virtual endoscopy CT


Progress in Computer tomography and software allows to obtain images
of lumen of the urinary system without classical endoscopy. The techni±ue
known as virtual endoscopy is at its first stage of development now and the
authors present the method as well as their own preliminary experiences
related to it.
Material and methods. 31 patients with suspicion of urinary system lesions
have been subjected to the CT exam. The image data obtained in this way were
sent from a working to a satellite station, where the data were processed with
the "endo" software. In result of the processing, three images were received on
the screen of the image station: a 3-D reconstruction, a transverse cross-section
or a front cross-section with a situation of the end of virtual edospcope marked
on it, and a virtual image of the urinary system.
Results. Analysis of several types of images gave an excellent possibility to
make a spacial assessment of the lesions, their identification, grade, situation
and extent. Virtual endoscopy answered all those ±uestions.
Conclusions. Virtual images improved the further treatment and made
radiography more legible. Collaboration between radiologist and urologist
became much better and progression of disease could be precisely established.
The method is very attractive as it is a non-invasive one.


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