PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Article published in Urologia Polska 2000/53/1.


Zygmunt Dobrowolski 1, Janusz Jaszczyński 1, Leszek Woliński 1, Wojciech Habrat 2, Bolesław Papla 3
1 Katedra i Klinika Urologii C. M. U. J. w Krakowie
Kierownik: dr hab. med. Z. Dobrowolski
2 Szpital Kolejowy w Krakowie
Ordynator: dr J. Malczyk
3 Zakład Patomorfologii C. M. U. J.
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. med. J. Stachura


bladder carcinoma 5 ALA early diagnosis


Introduction. Bladder cancer takes the 6-place of cancer fre±uency in the world.
Cystosscopy turns to be the basic diagnostic method. However smali lesions
may be overlooked due to simillar apparence to normal mucosa.
Objective. Estimation of efficiency of PDD examination in diagnosis of the
superficial bladder cancer.
Material and method. Storz generator and xenon lamp was used to
photodynamic cystoscopy with violet light. 5-ALA was introduced to thebladder
two hours before cystoscopy to induce the intracellular acommodation of the
endogenic protoporphirins which is of fluorescent ability. PDD was performed
in 36 patients with superficial bladder cancer from 34 to 82 years of age (28
men and 8 women).
Results. All lesions which were seen in normal lith cystoscopy turned to be red
in PDD.
Conclusions. PDD makesthe possibility for another neoplasmatic lesions to be
noticed which normally could not be seen in the routine cystoscopy. PDD is
more precise diagnostic method particulary in superficial bladder cancer. This
method with using 20-times enlargement camera may improve the rate of ca in
situ diagnosis. The identification of ca in situ may rerduce the number of blind
biopsy Species becouse the suspected places could be identified more precisly.


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