PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Article published in Urologia Polska 1999/52/1.


Dariusz Krzemiński
Oddział Urologiczny Wojewódzkiego Szpitala w Żyrardowie
Ordynator Oddziału: drn. med. D. Krzemiński


prostate BPH surgical treatment


Objective. The aim of the study is to compare the results of TURP and AD
performed at a voivodeship urological ward and an attempt to find the
answere if TURP can be regarded as the golden standard of treating the
patients suffering from BPH.
Material and methods. In years 1986-1996 917 patients with BPH surgically
treated by TURP or AD were exposed to the comparative analysis at the
urological ward of the provincial hospital in Żyrardów.
Results. TURP procedure as a surgical techniąue for BPH treatment was
introduced to this urological ward in 1986. Since 1986 till 1996 this method
has been used to 374 patients with BPH that is 40.8% of all 917 patients. The
open techniąue was performed to 543 patients with BPH ? 59.2% and its
number is divided into Harris-Hryntschak group of 447 patients ? 82.3%
and Millin group of 96 patients ? 17.7%. A higher number of patients with
BPH who entered the urological ward because of urinary retention and had
TURP procedures must be paid attention to. Bleeding from the operative
lodge has been the most often early complication but in the period of 1986-
1996 it radically declined mostly in the TURP group. Moreover, higher
incidental prostate cancer detection range was obserwed in the TURP group.
Basing on presented here own and literature sources it should be emphasized
that lower mortality after TURP in treatment of patients with BPH was
achieved in favour of TURP procedure.
Conclusions. 1. The voivodeship urological wards with both good medical
outfit and staff are the right places to perform TURP procedure even in large
2. At the voivodeship's urological ward adenomectomy is recommended
to the patient with the large size of a benign prostate and it can assure radical
treatment with low complications.
3. TURP in Comparison to adenomectomy, if performed by an experienced
surgeon, is the most suitable method of lower cost of treatment, fewer
complications and half hospital stay.


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