PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Article published in Urologia Polska 1998/51/1.


Marcin Słojewski 1, Andrzej Sikorski 1, Teresa Kardel-Mizerska 1, Piotr Hadaczek 2, Jacek Podolski 2, Jan Lubiński 2, Grażyna Cieślińska-Wilk 3, Barbara Górecka-Szyld 3
1 Klinika Urologii Pomorskiej AM w Szczecinie
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. A. Sikorski
2 Zakład Patomorfologii i Genetyki Pomorskiej AM w Szczecinie
Kierownik Zakładu: dr hab. J. Lubiński
3 Zakład Radiodiagnostyki PSK nr 2 w Szczecinie
Kierownik Zakładu: prof. dr hab. G. Cieślińska-Wilk


kidney renal neoplasmus collecting duct carcinoma


Objective. Collecting duct carcinoma (CDC) is a rare form of distal nephron
renal cancer. CDC originates from the epithelium of the collecting duct.
Microscopically it is built of papillary structures covered with a single layer of
cuboidal cells with elernents of fibres and yessels. CDC arises in central, medullar
part of the kidney irregulary infiltrating cortex. Clinically CDC grows very fast
with a poor prognosis. Also distant metastases develop fast, local inflitration of
dorsal muscles and patienfs death occurs much often than in clear cell carcinomas.
The treatment of choice as in all kidney tumours is radical surgery. Similary, all
forms of adjuvant therapy e.g. radio and chemotherapy, give poor outcomes. The
value of immunomodulation therapy has not yet been proved.
Patients and methods. We present 6 patients with CDC. Patients age was from
40 to 73. All patients had a distant metastases in moment of diagnosis. In all cases
nephrectomy with local limphadenectomy was performed and different forms of
adjuyant therapy was used. Mean time of survival did not excess 7 months.
Conclusions. In 2 cases genetic analyse with the techniąue of loss of
heterozygodity (LOH) was performed. We revealed the deletion of 3rd
chromosome short arm (3p). Despite the specifity of genetic changes in kidney
tumours still remains unclear, we conclude that genetic analyse could be useful
in differentiation of their subtypes and could has a prognostic value.


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