PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Histological pattern and certain histochemical reactions in rat epididymis and seminal vesicles after damage the testicular plexus
Article published in Urologia Polska 1978/31/1.


Bolesław Otulakowski, Andrzej Limanowski
Zakładu Anatomii Prawidłowej
Kierownik: prof. dr W. Woźniak
Zakładu Histologii i Embriologii Instytutu Biostruktury AM w Poznaniu
Kierownik: doc. dr A. Łukaszczyk


The authors investigated 25 male rats subject to unilateral or bilateral severing of the testicular plexus and ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerves. Routine histological in-vestigations and certain histochemical reac­tions were done. After unilateral denervation no detectable histological and histochemical changes were observed in the seminal vesicles in relation to the Control group. After bila­teral damage to this plexus changes were
observed in the seminal vesicles resembling those observed after gonadectomy. Lipids appeared in the glandular cells, the height of the epithelium decreased, and the location and activity of acid phosphatase were changed. Absence of these morphological and histo­chemical changes in the seminal vesicles after unilateral denervation suggests that seminal vesicle is innervated from both sympathetic trunks.