PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Article published in Urologia Polska 1997/50/3.


Piotr Radziszewski, Ryszard Aleksandrowicz
Zaktad Anatomii Instytutu Biostruktury AM w Warszawie
Kierownik Zakładu: prof. dr hab. n. med. R. Aleksandrowicz


external urethral sphincter pudendectomy neurostimulation


Objective. External urethral sphincter comprise the distal continence
mechanism. The topography of the sphincter's innervation has not been fully
described so far. This description is important for the proper performance of
selective pudendectomy or pudendal blocade. It is also of primary importance
when the neurostimulation is used as a therapy for micturition disorders.
Material and Method. Founding on the studies performed on 20 human
foetuses autors present the widen and modified description of the external
urethral sphincter innervation.
Conclusion. Anatomical examinations of the external urethral sphincter innerva-
tion may be useful to achieve super- and ultra-selective approach to the nerves inne-
rvating external urethral sphincter.


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