PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Use of Prostaglandin E1 (EDEX) in the therapy of erectile dysfunction.
Article published in Urologia Polska 1996/49/2.


Barbara Darewicz, Tadeusz Werel, Janusz Darewicz, Eugeniusz Malczyk
Z Kliniki Urologu Akademii Medycznej w Białymstoku.
Kierownik Kliniki: Prof. dr Janusz Darewicz.


impotence pharmacological treatment prostaglandine PGE1


To provoke an erection after an ijeetion of prostaglandine Ej (PGEj) into cavernous
body in impotent patients.
26 impontent patients, 10 with psychogenic and 16 witch organic impotence were
treated with PGEj. To provoke the erection 20 micrograms of PGEj in lml 0,9% saline
were injected into cavemous body.
After 3 to 5 minutes from the injection appeared an erection lasting 30 to 90 minutes.
All 10 patients with psychogenic and 12 out of 16 with organic impotence had good
erection. There were no adverse side effects during the management.
The injection of prostaglandine PGA1 into cavernous body is a successful method of
management in any cause of impotence.


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