PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

The result of treatment of 109 childern with nephroblastoma after pre-operative chemotherapy.
Article published in Urologia Polska 1996/49/2.


Krystyna Sawicz-Birkowska, Jerzy Czernik
z Katedry i Kliniki Chirurgii Pediatrycznej AM we Wrocławiu.
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. Jerzy Czernik.


kidney nephroblastoma in childern Chemiotherapy results of treatment.


The authors present the results of treatment of 109 children with nephroblastoma
treated according the schedules of SIOP Nephroblastoma Committee No 6 andNo 9.
In the 51 patients treated according schedules of SIOP No 6 3 years DFS for whole
group was 74% in 58 patients treated according to SIOP No 9 (schedule with 4-wceks
preopcrative chemotherapy) 3 years DFS for whole group was 83%. The advantagcs of
a prcopcrative treatment in tenns of surgical tumor rupture and stage distributions has
been proven.


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